Hi! My name is Makinsey Barnhill as I'm sure you know by the title of my website. I've been doing photography for six year now and it is a huge passion of mine. I've always enjoyed art and working on art projects and when I found photography I fell in love with it. My dad bought me my first camera when I was 14 and I have been working to improve my photography and make it look professional ever since then!
I'm currently pursuing an associates degree in psychology at Ivy Tech and hope to move on to a different college to acquire my master's degree. I do a lot of art and photography on the side and hope to incorporate those two things in a therapy setting in the future. 
I do many different things for photography. I do senior photo shoots, event shoots such as a birthday party or other important events, and family photo shoots. If you are interested in contacting me for business inquires go to my contact section and send me an email. You can also text me at 812-727-0483. 
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